Some commands that might help you get started:

What are you using to build the artifact
mvn help:effective-pom
mvn help:effective-pom -Dverbose

What artifacts are being brought in
mvn dependency:tree
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose

Debug output
mvn -X package

I'm sure that there are more, but this might get you started.

. . . just my two cents

On 12/19/2023 1:56 PM, wrote:
When my Java code does something I didn't expect, I can run it under a debugger 
and step through it line by line until things make sense again.
When maven does something I didn't expect, my debugging strategy is usually more like 
"try to think of something in my bag of tricks".
Sometimes I suddenly have an epiphany and I realize "oh, it must have broken because 
of that thing I changed".
But in the absence of epiphanies, I don't have any good ways to ask maven to 
tell me what on earth is going on.

Example from today: some is failing on our build server with "Compilation 
Looking at the build log, there are no compiler errors in sight.
There are a few compiler warnings, and those seem to logged twice: once at 
warning level, and then again at error level.
It only fails on SOME (not all) of our build configs, even though our configs 
are pretty darn similar to each other.

So I'm left flailing around more or less at random (try compiling on a 
different server!  Try copying the command line flags from the one that work!  
What I actually want is for maven to give me some CRUMB of visibility into what 
on earth is going wrong.

I don't even know what "Compilation failure" actually means.
Did some process exit with non-zero status?
Did the process fail to launch in the first place?
Maybe there is no extra process, and the compilation is taking place in the 
same JVM that's running maven?
If so, what went wrong?  Did an exception get thrown?  Something else?

You get the idea.

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