I think it'd be great for maven to have the concept of multiple test
directories like:
src/test for unit tests
src/int-test for integration tests

but as it stands now, the most straightforward approach (ie: the least
hacking required) is to create a seperate sub-project for each group of
tests.  ex:

-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Kaplan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 4:14 PM
Subject: Multiple test types?

Our project has several different types of tests: unit, functional, 
performance, etc. Is there any concept of this in maven?

We have in the past kept them all in the same directory, and at other 
times split them each into their own directory. We also prefix the class

name with an indicator (eg, BlaBlaUTest, FooFooPTest, BarBarFTest) and 
then had our CollectingTestSuite pick out a type of test. Of course the 
reason for the seperation is that non-unit test tend to require a 
specific environment setup.

Now that I am setting up the build using maven, are there any 
guidelines/experience on how to handle this situation?

barry kaplan

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