Our project has multiple source trees.
We have our production code - but also our unit tests,
requirement tests and integration tests.
For several reasons we want _individually generated_
Javadoc for these source trees.

The Problem:
It seems impossible to manipulate the
${maven.compile.src.set} property in the Javadoc
What does this line really mean (in the Javadoc Plugin
   maven.compile.src.set =

The Dream:
What I would like to do is just override the
properties of choice and execute the plugin.
Something like this:

    <goal name="javadoc:requirementtest"
description="Generate API documentation for the
requirement tests">
        <j:set var="maven.compile.src.set"
        <attaingoal name="javadoc"/>

...this don't work with the Javadoc Plugin.
At present, we are using the <ant:javadoc> in a
custom-made goal, but we would rather use the plugin

Is it possible? What is the trick?


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