
I am new to the list and also new to Maven. I have unitTests setup and running well however I also want to have a separate goal that will run my functional tests (in conjunction with jcoverage). I currently have a cludge in my maven.xml which defines a test:functional goal. This starts my application and runs test:match against my FuncTest.

<goal name="test:functional" description="start server, run functional tests, stop server">
<attainGoal name="start"/>
<sleep seconds="${mmi.progname.functest.startDelay}"/>
<j:set var="testmatch" value="*FuncTest"/>
<attainGoal name="test:match"/>
<attainGoal name="stop"/>

I want to be able to have a separate goal that will execute my tests using jcoverage. It is not clear to me how to do this since running the jcoverage goal runs off the unitTest entries in the product.xml. I'm quite understanding everything in the jcoverage plugin.jelly. I read about some discussions on this list (dated 2003) related to integrationUnitTest. Has anyone had to solve a similar problem? How did you accomplish this?


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