You mean maven plugin:uninstall? It is only there for running on a
plugin source tree though.

Was there a reason you needed to remove the old plugin? It should be
completely overridden by the new one.

- Brett

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 16:37:16 -0500, Eric Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for all of your help everyone. I used the dependency method, which
> I found to be much superior to plugin:download or plugin:install since a
> user may not have permissions to install a plugin into the
> MAVEN_HOME/plugins directory. With the dependency method, I found it
> difficult to upgrade the plugin unless I manually deleted what was
> installed or specified SNAPSHOT as the version. After reading some older
> mailings(specifically between Ben Gridley and Brett Porter), I used
> modified Ben's script as follows:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <project
>   xmlns:j="jelly:core"
>   xmlns:ant="jelly:ant">
>   <goal name="ccplugin:delete">
>     <j:forEach var="dep" items="${pom.dependencies}">
>       <j:if test="${dep.type =='plugin'}">
>         <!--
>         <maven:get plugin="${dep.artifactId}" property="plugin"
> var="plugin" />
>         -->
>         <!-- Clean out the cache files -->
>         <attainGoal name="plugin:uninstall" />
>         <!-- Set the variables -->
>         <j:set var="groupId" value="${dep.groupId}"/>
>         <j:set var="artifactId" value="${dep.artifactId}"/>
>         <j:set var="version" value="${dep.version}"/>
>         <j:set var="pluginname" value="${artifactId}-${version}"/>
>         <!-- Check if the plugin is in the main maven plugins directory -->
>         <ant:available property="mainplugin"
> file="${maven.plugin.dir}/${pluginname}.jar" />
>         <j:if test="${mainplugin == 'true'}">
>           <ant:echo message="${maven.plugin.dir}/${pluginname}.jar is in
> the main maven plugins directory" />
>           <!-- This is kindof dangerous as it would effect all users and
> may fail if not owned by the user -->
>           <ant:delete file="${maven.plugin.dir}/${pluginname}.jar" />"
>         </j:if>
>         <!-- Remove from the user's plugin directory. -->
>         <ant:available property="userplugin"
> file="${maven.plugin.user.dir}/${pluginname}.jar" />
>         <j:if test="${userplugin == 'true'}">
>           <ant:echo message="Removing '${pluginname}' from
> '${maven.plugin.dir}'" />
>           <ant:delete file="${maven.plugin.user.dir}/${pluginname}.jar" />"
>         </j:if>
>         <!-- Remove from the user's cache directory. This isn't really
> necessary since we'll delete
>              the jar in the repository which will cause the plugin to be
> re-downloaded -->
>         <ant:available property="usercache"
> file="${maven.plugin.unpacked.dir}/${pluginname}" />
>         <j:if test="${usercache == 'true'}">
>           <ant:echo message="Removing ${pluginname} from
> ${maven.plugin.unpacked.dir}" />
>           <ant:delete dir="${maven.plugin.unpacked.dir}/${pluginname}"
> includeEmptyDirs="true" />
>         </j:if>
>         <!-- Remove from the user's repository directory. -->
>         <ant:available property="userrepoplugin"
> file="${maven.repo.local}/${groupId}/plugins/${pluginname}.jar" />
>         <j:if test="${userrepoplugin == 'true'}">
>           <ant:echo message="Removing '${pluginname}' from
> '${maven.repo.local}'" />
>           <ant:delete
> file="${maven.repo.local}/${groupId}/plugins/${pluginname}.jar" />
>         </j:if>
>       </j:if>
>     </j:forEach>
>   </goal>
> </project>
> I think this kind of functionality might be useful in the main Maven
> plugin plugin. I'm adding this to jira for the maven-plugin-plugin project
> as a 'wish' issue type.
> Eric

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