> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcin Gurbisz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:56 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: changing version of module and dependent modules
> I would like to have possibility to change version of 
> specific library 
> in all project.xml files all over the project..
> To make it clearer I give an example:
> Module A and B depends on C, and I want to change version of C. After 
> executing some goal I would expect that version of module C and all 
> dependent would change.
> Have anyone solved this problem or you are dealing with it in 
> diferent way?
> I've looked at release plug-in and it seems to me that it change only 
> version in "C" module. Am I right?
> I've been using xml entities to ensure project consistency so this 
> problem hasn't occurred but I want to get rid of entities.

I've trying to find a nice solution for that issue since a long time
(sometimes I have up to 40 projects using the same artifacts!).
I come into the conclusion that any way of using version pointers in poms
(e.g. xml entities or jar overriding) is bad thing
as it might be against the repreductability of builds (unless modified poms
with "inlined" information are deployed to the repository, but this creates
other problems!!) 
Only thing which can really solve that complexivity is a tool (GUI), which
will help to make a quick migration to the given version of the given
artifact for group of projects.
My colleagues from work have developed the maven plugin which helps to do
this migration - it is already quite useful for them, but not fully
operational and it requires
other our plugins therefore it will be useless for somebody else, but it is
not hard to write your own plugin with similar functionality...



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