> I'm still getting the error: "taskdef class
> xdoclet.modules.ejb.EjbDocletTask cannot be found" though which means it
> hasn't added maven-xdoclet-plugin's dependencies.
> I did the following echo:
> <echo message="${xdocletPlugin.getDependencyPath('xdoclet')}"/>
> and I got: "/Volumes/scratch/SmileyDev/Maven
> Repository/xdoclet/jars/xdoclet-1.2.jar"
> That is promissing.  Then I tried something different: <echo
> message="${xdocletPlugin.getDependencyPath('maven-xdoclet-plugin')}"/>
> and I got nothing.

I think you'd need getDepenendecyPath('xdoclet:maven-xdoclet-plugin')
or maybe even getDepenendecyPath('xdoclet:maven-xdoclet-plugin:plugin')

But your tasks are not defined in there, so why do you need to
location of the plugin JAR?

> > Maybe xdoclet-plugin is not initialised yet.

If you're getting the plugin variable populated, this is all good.


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