Try reading dIon Gillard's blog for some Jelly tips.

On Wed, 05 Jan 2005 11:41:59 -0500, Randy Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't have a terribly good grasp of Ant and now I'm converting a lot
> of ant scripts into Maven.  Is there a definitive guide to the
> differences between <property>, <attribute>, <param>, <j:set var>, 

I think attribute and param belong inside other elements.

j:set is what should be used in maven, though ant:property will be
passed through in a similar way if necessary.

> How about testing
> for true, false and 'is set'?  

${foo == 'true'} or ${foo}
${foo == 'false'} or ${!foo}
${foo != null} (note that empty is still set in this case)

> And finally, how about reading from a
> .properties file with a variable=value pair on each line?

If you read through the tag libraries on the Jelly site (particularly
core and util) you should be able to find what you need.

- Brett

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