On Sat, 2005-01-08 at 19:19, Janos Mucsi wrote:
> Hi
> This may be a stupid question, but what is the
> essential difference between CruiseControl and Gump
> (functionality-wise). It seems that they both check
> out the current version of projects, detect changes,
> run full builds and unit tests, and they generate
> reports. 
> Which one should I use for continuous integration?

For anyone interested in making production software in Java you will
want to use CruiseControl. It focuses on your project so it tests your
code against binary releases of your dependencies and if you find a
problem it's written in Java so you can actually help the CruiseControl

Gump on the other hand is more of a social experiement that is used to
inform OSS projects that they are breaking one another's contracts. Gump
builds every project from it's most current sources and so is
effectively useless to anyone making production software because no one
in their right mind would attempt to do this on a daily basis. For
example if your project uses jakarta-foo version 1.1 you don't care what
the developers are doing on the trunk because you'll just wait for the
next release and do a look see then. Also if you run into a problem with
Gump it's written Python, because they want to be able to build anything
in any language, so as a Java-only programmer you're SOL. Gump is not
Java-centric and most programmers don't have the time to learn a new
programming language every year but you'll get to if you want to try and
fix Gump.

Gump is interesting socially in the OSS community but if you're making
production software I wouldn't bother with Gump, use CruiseControl it's
definitely better suited and a nice little servlet and probably much
easier to setup.

> (With the upcoming scm ClearCase support for example.)
> Thanks.
> Janos
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Jason van Zyl

happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will
elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come
and sit softly on your shoulder ...

 -- Thoreau 

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