I my build process I collect some projects using reactor. The projects
sometimes depend on each other. Now I'm looking for a way to compile
them without having there artifacts installed to the repo. What I need is:

1.) Calculation the path to created jar or classes in the target of the
depended project (since the reactor calculates the right build order it
should be there). I think that is not that hard to do.

2.) Add the path to the compile classpath of the project which depends
on it. How can I do this? I use <maven:maven> and the java:compile goal
for every reactor project, is there a way to alter the classpath if needed?

To make it a bit clearer:

main prj/
  |--- modules (created during build)
  |      |--- module A/
  |      |      |-src
  |      |      |-project.xml   
  |      |--- module B/ (deps on A)
  |             |-....
  |--- project.xml
  |--- project.properties

The dir "modules"  is created during the build according to some
project.properties (cvs module, branch, etc.). At the end the artifact
of the main project (which is mostly a war) will contain the code an
some resources of the modules. Which modules are used is configured in
the main project.properties, so the main project exists just to collect

Alexander Rupsch

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