
On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 14:02:27 -0500, Russ Jubenville
> I'm still feeling my way around Maven, and I'm sure I'm overlooking
> something obvious....
> I have two projects:
> - jarProj whose artifact is a jar, and which has dependencies on external
> jars, such as extJar.jar
> - earProj whose artifact is an ear, and which lists jarProj as a bundled
> dependency
> I need to ensure that extJar.jar gets bundled within earProj.ear.  Of
> course, I could just add extJar.jar as a bundled dependency in earProj.  But
> this will quickly get out of control, ultimately leading me to have a super
> project listing every dependency I have in any possible subproject, which
> smells wrong.
> Since earProj is dependent on jarProj, and jarProj is dependent on extJar,
> the information seems available to make the connection.  In fact, if I
> "install" jarProj.jar into my local repository, it publishes its pom.  I'm
> not sure why it would do that except to facilitate navigating the jar's
> inheritance hierarchy.
> Have I just missed an option I need to set?  Or is it not currently possible
> for a project to automatically bundle its dependents' dependencies?
> Thanks!
> > Russ Jubenville, Senior Technical Consultant
> Consulting Services, EDS Canada
> Currently on-site at SOLCORP:
> 177 Lakeshore Blvd. E.  *  Toronto, ON  M5A 1B7
> > (416) 673-6210 ext. 5338
> >
> >
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