Why don't you use SNAPSHOT for your Dev and the correct version for your
production? This way, your developers would get the least version of the
build as a SNAPSHOT.



-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Jubenville [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 10:37 AM
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Plugin version dependencies?

Is there a way to declare a project's dependency on a specific version of a
Maven (or custom, for that matter) plugin?

For example, assume that I felt the need to modify the jar plugin, which is
currently at version 1.6 in my local repository, so I create a version
1.6.1.  I want developers on the team to automatically get my new version,
but I want the production build to still use the old version.

I envision a declared dependency in my top project's project.xml file,
indicating maven-jar-plugin version 1.6.1, the effect of which would be to
automatically download the new version to developers' machines and use that
version in their builds.  Meanwhile, the old version would remain in the
repository, and since the production build's project.xml would still show
version 1.6, it would continue to use that version for its build.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

..Russ Jubenville

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