> This is what I understand:
> The javax.crypto code in JDK1.4+ (or in the sun jce) requires that the
> providers be in signed jar files. Signed jar files are difficult to get
> hold of, as the keypair must be issued by sun.
> If you can't do that, then you need to replace the jce implementation. I
> seem to remember that there is an OS project to do this, but can't
> remember the name.
> You will need to mess about with -Xbootclasspath anyhow if you do this,
> which may or may not work with uberjar.
> In short, you might be stuck, I think, but I might be wrong.
> Cheers
> James
The name is: The Legion of the Bouncy Castle,
see it at http://www.bouncycastle.org/


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