This is my tree under C:\Documents and Settings\jards2\.maven\repository..
I added the junit.jar to the junit dir.

The "missing" taskdef is in ant-optional-1.5.3-1.jar....

 Could it be a problem with C:\Documents and
Settings\jards2\.maven\repository being too long, or having spaces?

|   \---jars
|           abbot-0.13.0.jar
|           abbot-0.13.0.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           ant-1.5.3-1.jar
|           ant-optional-1.5.3-1.jar
|   \---jars
|           antlr-2.7.2.jar
|           antlr-2.7.2.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           commons-beanutils-1.6.1.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-betwixt-1.0-beta-1.20030111.103454.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-cli-1.0-beta-2.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-collections-2.1.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-digester-1.4.1.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-grant-1.0-beta-4.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-graph-0.8.1.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-httpclient-2.0.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-io-20030203.000550.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-jelly-20030902.160215.jar
|           commons-jelly-tags-ant-1.0.jar
|           commons-jelly-tags-antlr-20030211.143720.jar
|           commons-jelly-tags-antlr-20030211.143720.jar.md5
|           commons-jelly-tags-define-20030211.142932.jar
|           commons-jelly-tags-jsl-20030211.143151.jar
|           commons-jelly-tags-log-20030211.142821.jar
|           commons-jelly-tags-log-20030211.142821.jar.md5
|           commons-jelly-tags-util-20030211.141939.jar
|           commons-jelly-tags-velocity-20030303.205659.jar
|           commons-jelly-tags-velocity-20030303.205659.jar.md5
|           commons-jelly-tags-xml-20030211.142705.jar
|           commons-jelly-tags-xml-20030211.142705.jar.md5
|           commons-jelly-tags-xml-20040613.030723.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-jexl-1.0-beta-1.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-lang-2.0.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-logging-1.0.3.jar
|   \---jars
|           commons-net-1.1.0.jar
|           commons-net-1.1.0.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           dom4j-1.4-dev-8.jar
|   \---jars
|           forehead-1.0-beta-5.jar
|   \---jars
|           gnu-regexp-1.1.4.jar
|           gnu-regexp-1.1.4.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           isorelax-20030108.jar
|           isorelax-20030108.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           jdom-b10.jar
|           jdom-b10.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           jsch-0.1.5.jar
|           jsch-0.1.5.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           abbot.txt
|           junit-3.8.1.jar
|           junit-3.8.1.jar.md5
|           junit.jar
|   \---jars
|           log4j-1.2.8.jar
|   \---jars
|           maven-jelly-tags-1.0.1.jar
|   \---jars
|           MRJToolkitStubs-1.0.jar
|           MRJToolkitStubs-1.0.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           plexus-0.6.jar
|   \---jars
|           jing-20030619.jar
|           jing-20030619.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           velocity-1.4-dev.jar
|           velocity-1.4-dev.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           velocity-dvsl-0.45.jar
|           velocity-dvsl-0.45.jar.md5
|   \---jars
|           werkz-20040426.222000.jar
|   \---jars
|           which-1.0.jar
|   \---jars
|           xerces-2.4.0.jar
|           xmlParserAPIs-2.2.1.jar
|           xmlParserAPIs-2.2.1.jar.md5

             "Vincent Massol"                                              
             07/02/2005 10:42                                           To 
                                       "'Maven Users List'"                
                                       James Gustard/UK/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
                                       [Abbot] RE: Maven Abbot plugin      

Hi James,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Gustard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: lundi 7 février 2005 11:28
> Subject: Maven Abbot plugin
> Hi,
> Im trying to use your maven abbot plugin , but get the following error:-
> The documentation says that there are no pre-requisites , so why is there
> this dependency on Junit, and where can I get the Junit plugin form??

It shouldn't happen. Normally the junit jar should have been automatically
downloaded and put in your local Maven repository. Could you check it is
there and not corrupted (try opening it with winzip for example).

> Are there any user forums for the maven abbot plugin??

Yes, the Maven user mailing list. Let's switch to there.


> Thanks
> James
> build:start:
> abbot:check-env:
> abbot:prepare-filesystem:
> abbot:prepare-resources:
> java:prepare-filesystem:
> java:compile:
>     [echo] Compiling to C:\test maven/target/classes
>     [echo] No java source files to compile.
> resources or todir was null
> File...... C:\Documents and
> Settings\jards2\.maven\cache\maven-abbot-plugin-1.1\
> plugin.jelly
> Element... taskdef
> Line...... 57
> Column.... 76
> taskdef class org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTask
> cannot
> be f
> ound
> Total time: 12 seconds
> Finished at: Mon Feb 07 10:07:36 GMT 2005

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