
The developers of cvshome changed the date format. So changelog v 1.7.1 always thrown an exception: "parse date".
I found inside the changelogs changelog, that the problem should be resolved in 1.7.2, so in installed the update.

With 1.7.2 the changelog plugin is able to generate the report, but there are still parse date exceptions. I guess, that there is one exception for each ressource inside my repository :|

Someone already reported this beheavior:

I know that it seems like this issue is caused inside the netbeans cvslib and as such its not really mavens problem.

Is there some kind of workaround available to suppress the exception?
My anthill logfile gets flooded. Its also not really fine, because it prohibits to send developer mails, because each mail got a size > 4mb (im not interested into flooding mailaccs).

Im also courious: why changelog is able to do his work? I mean, the underlaying cvslib seems to be broken, but changelog itself is still able to extract the necessary data?
I tried to find the sources of the netbeans cvslib inside their cvs. Was not able to find them - any ideas where to seach? (wich cvs module, wich subpath?)

thx for your help

aka Neuhauser Bernhard

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