Sorry for the multiple posts, but maybe someone else might have the same
problem. This is what I was doing:

  <goal name="projectco">
    <!-- Check the input required variables -->
    <attainGoal name="ccscm:checkvars" />

    <j:set var="module" value="${}" />

    <ant:echo message="MODULE: ${module}"/>
    <maven:set plugin="maven-scm-plugin" property="maven.scm.cvs.module"
value="${module}" />
    <maven:set plugin="maven-scm-plugin" property="maven.scm.checkout.dir"
value="../../../" />

    <maven:get plugin="maven-scm-plugin" property="maven.scm.cvs.module"
var="getmod" />
    <ant:echo message="MODULE: ${getmod}" />
    <attainGoal session="${context.getVariable('',
'parent')}" name="scm:checkout-project" />

    <ant:echo message="Done"/>  

The error I kept getting was that maven.scm.cvs.module was not set when
scm:checkout-project was running. There's alot of debugging messages, but
the jelly:maven:set tag wasn't passing the variable to the
attainGoal(scm:checkout-project), even after I added the session
parameter(I got that hint from I did get
maven.scm.cvs.module set by using the simple core jelly set tag:

  <j:set var="maven.scm.cvs.module" value="${module}" />

I guess what happened is the jelly set tag is actually setting a variable
in the current context, whereas maven:set sets variables in a secondary
top level maven context(sort of like a shell), but attaingoal is running
in the current context. 

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


"Maven Users List" <> on Friday, February 11, 2005
at 3:33 PM +0000 wrote:
> was able to get rid of the error by setting a dependency to
>commons-jelly-tags-log-1.0.jar in my project.xml file(it was downloaded
>and installed), but the maven.scm.cvs.module property isn't getting set.
>"Maven Users List" <> on Friday, February 11, 2005
>at 3:06 PM +0000 wrote:
>>I'm trying to set a property within a goal in maven.xml file like this:
>>    <maven:set plugin="maven-scm-plugin" property="maven.scm.cvs.module"
>>value="Test" />
>>I've done this before with other plugins with out a problem, but with
>>one I get an
>>"Error initialising plugin context" error. When I print out the debug
>>message it mentions not being able to find the
>>org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.log.LogTagLibrary class. I deleted my
>>~/.maven directory and I am getting the latest version of
>>maven-scm-plugin(1.4.1). Anyone have any idea what's causing this?
>>The full debug log is below.
>>Thanks in advance,

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