On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 15:52:24 -0800 (PST), Janos Mucsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> When I run maven axis:deploy I get this:
> C:\ccviews\RedeemOnly\dev\modules\redeemonly-web>maven
> axis:deploy
>  __  __
> |  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
> | |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
> |_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0.2
> Processing file
> C:\ccviews\RedeemOnly\dev\modules\redeemonly-web\target\axis\src
> \org\tempuri\RedeemService\deploy.wsdd
> build:start:
> axis:copy-deploy:
> axis:deploy:
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR] AxisFault
>  faultCode: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}HTTP
>  faultSubcode:
>  faultString: (404)Not Found
>  faultActor:
>  faultNode:
>  faultDetail:
>         {}:return code:  404
> Error 404: File not found: AdminService


>         {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}HttpErrorCode:404
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR] Running axis-admin with
> parameters:
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]   action:
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]
> url:http://sa72frsappdev01:9080/RedeemOnlyWeb/AdminSe
> rvice?wsdl

Aren't you supposed to pass within maven.axis.admin.url the address of
AdminService itself and not the wsdl definition of it? So it'd look
like: url:http://sa72frsappdev01:9080/RedeemOnlyWeb/AdminService

Are you sure the address is not something like:
url:http://sa72frsappdev01:9080/RedeemOnlyWeb/services/AdminService ?

Maybe you need your call has to be authenticated (username,password) ?

Also, this post belongs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]   hostname:null
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]   port:0
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]   servletPath:null
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]   fileProtocol:null
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]   username:null
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]   password:null
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]   transportChain:null
>     [axis-admin] [ERROR]   debug:false
> File...... C:\Documents and
> Settings\jmucsi\.maven\cache\maven-axis-plugin-0.7\p
> lugin.jelly
> Element... axis-admin
> Line...... 288
> Column.... 44
> axis-admin failed with
> {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}HTTP (404)Not Found
> Total time: 3 seconds
> Finished at: Tue Mar 01 15:49:46 PST 2005
> Can anybody please help?
> Thanks.
> Janos
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