
I have mavenrunning cruisecontrol but Im getting the following error: BUILD
    [exec] File......
    [exec] Element... ant:cvs
    [exec] Line...... 258
    [exec] Column.... 9
    [exec] cvs exited with error code 1
    [exec] Command line was [Executing 'cvs' with arguments:
    [exec] '-d:local:/home/cvs'
    [exec] '-q'
    [exec] 'update'
    [exec] '-Pd'
    [exec] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
    [exec] not part of the command.

I have the following in my project.xml file
scm:cvs:local:ignored:/home/cvs:devbase. Thisworks fine when generating the
changelog reports. Any ideas? Thanks

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