Hi Frank,

I'm not sure why you tinker with CVS directories by deleting them but

+) I assume that you are using a reactor build
+) the CVS reports should be created per project, i.e. you have to define a generic configuration in your master POM using :${pom.artifactId} or plainly overwrite the connection setting for each subproejct
+) I assume that the behaviour of the plugin is undefined if no CVS metadata are found


Siegfried Goeschl

Frank Verbruggen wrote:

How can u explain the following:

to check this all I have checked in a very early version of my app from the client station (using WSAD)
And it generated a VERY VERY SMALL changelog (only 1 change logged)
Now consider the following structure:




When I do the checkout in this structure the changelog gets generated,
but only for the base directory ( which is C:\calculator\calculatorlogic\checkouts\calculatorlogic) ,
BUT when I remove the CVS directory directly below de CalculatorLogic directory,
I get NO change report.

How can this be ???

Siegfried Goeschl wrote:

Hi Frank,

I think you might be on the wrong track - determining the changes involves retrieving and parsing the changelog from the remote CVS server. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the uncommitted changes in your development sandbox... ;-)


Siegfried Goeschl

Frank Verbruggen wrote:

I think I uncovered the problem:

First I do the checkout, which overwrites all files by first deleting the checkout directory.
Then I create the jars (nothing important)
THEN I generate the changelog, thus comparing my checkouts directory with the same version as the version I just checked out, this gives NO changes.
Any good idea's if this is true, and if I can fix this ? (if so, how ?)


Frank Verbruggen

Milos Kleint wrote:

with cvsnt it should be no problem on windows either. (i've setup one server like that 1 or 2 years ago)




Siegfried Goeschl wrote:

Hi Frank,

follow the blessed way of putting a CVS Server on a LINUX box. Four years ago I tried it with Windows but it didn't work properly ...

On the website of Java User Group Austria you find http://www.javausergroup.at/events/cvs%20intro.pdf some background infos on installing it on a Unix box


Siegfried Goeschl

Frank Verbruggen wrote:

So what can I do to make it all work ?

Thx in advance

Frank Verbruggen

Milos Kleint wrote:

Siegfried Goeschl wrote:

Hi Frank,

+) I'm not sure if the syntax correct - you are using "|" instead of ":" (might be a mail problem though)
+) the current version of Maven don't use the native cvs client but a Java library - there is a goal to add your CVS password (I have forgotten it)
+) last but not least are you using a file-based CVS repo under Windows - I suggest using a CVS server to be on the safe side

most probably the issue here. AFAIK changelog uses the cvs *client* library from netbeans.org which is jut a pserver client. local cvs repository doesn't use pserver protocol, thus it won't work.


Milos Kleint


Siegfried Goeschl

Frank Verbruggen wrote:

Hi Maven development team,

my name is Frank Verbruggen, and I'm currently involved in introducing 'your' tool Maven at a major bank from the Netherlands (it is called SNS Bank).
We have almost succesfully incorporated everything, but there is just one problem:

we can't get the changelog, file activity and developer activity plugins to generate rapports that actually contain changes (ie. it always states no changes have occurred).

The directory layout is as follows:

+ C      [root]
 + CVS          [dir]
 + Calculator   [dir]
   + project.xml                     [file1]
   + project.properties              [file2]
   + maven.xml                       [file3]
   + Calculator_Domeinlaag   [dir]
   | |
   | + target         [dir]
   | |
   | + checkouts      [dir]
   | |
   | + project.xml                   [file4]
   | |
   | + project.properties            [file5]
   + Calculator_Servicelaag   [dir]
   | |
   | + target         [dir]
   | |
   | + checkouts      [dir]
   | |
   | + project.xml                  [like file4]
   | |
   | + project.properties           [like file5]
   + Calculator_Presentatielaag   [dir]
   | |
   | + target         [dir]
   | |
   | + checkouts      [dir]
   | |
   | + project.xml                  [like file4]
   | |
   | + project.properties           [like file5]

FILE LISTINGS _________________________________________________________ [file1] _________________________________________________________ <?xml version="1.0"?> <project> <pomVersion>3</pomVersion> <groupId>Calculator</groupId> <currentVersion>1.0</currentVersion> <name>Calculator Demonstration Application</name>

<!-- Project Management section goes here -->
<name>Solidium Group B.V.</name>


<description>This application is specifically designed to show users the full potential of the "Soldium Ontwikkelstraat".
It gives a full application supporting most features also supported in major applications.
Also, it combines several features of the tools incorporated in the "Solidium Onwikkelstraat", such as:
Maven, CVS, CruiseControl, Checkstyle, JCoverage, JUnit, PMD and many more.
Specifically for managerial information, the application has been carefully released into the CVS.
This application is also very suitable for workshop support, and other related presentations.
Application description:
This app is a calculator.
It supports addition, substraction, multiplication and dividing.
Also the button captions are configured in a separate file called: "keyconfig.txt".
It supports full MVC and has a logical separation between program logic and calculation logic.
This logical separation is specifically included to model the dependencies within WSAD projects.</description>
<shortDescription>Calculator Demonstration Application</shortDescription>

        <name>Frank Verbruggen</name>
        <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>

<connection>scm|cvs|pserver|verfra:[EMAIL PROTECTED]|c:/cvs|${pom.artifactId}</connection>


  <!--         Project Dependency section  goes here        -->

<!-- Project Build section goes here -->
<nagEmailAddress>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</nagEmailAddress>



<!-- Project Reports section goes here --> <reports> <report>maven-changelog-plugin</report> <report>maven-file-activity-plugin</report> <report>maven-developer-activity-plugin</report> </reports> </project>



# Proxy settings.
maven.proxy.host = THULIUM
maven.proxy.port = 8080
maven.proxy.username = verfra

# Continue generation of reports on test failures.

# Tasklist tag.

# Don't include reports for parent in overview.

# Multi project base directory.

# Goals to execute.

# Deployment properties

# Checkstyle

# maven.scm.cvs.root=c:/CVS
# maven.scm.cvs.checkout.flags=-r v1-2
# maven.scm.cvs.module=${pom.artifactId}



<goal name="nightly-build">
<!-- Any ant task, or jelly tags can go here thanks to jeez -->
<j:set var="doelen" value="multiproject:goal,multiproject:clean,clean,clean-site,multiproject:site,site:deploy" />
<mkdir dir="${maven.build.dir}" />
<u:tokenize var="doelen" delim=",">${doelen}</u:tokenize>
<j:forEach items="${doelen}" var="doel" indexVar="doelNummer">
Now attaining doel nummer ${doelNummer}, which is ${doel}
<attainGoal name="${doel}" />

<goal name="clean-site">
<ant:delete dir="${pom.siteDirectory}"/>
<ant:mkdir dir="${pom.siteDirectory}"/>


<?xml version="1.0"?>


# Include reports for child in overview.

End File Listing

Tools used:

maven         l.0.2
 changelog   1.7.1
cvsnt         2.0.41a

My cvs is currently located at


on my Windows 2003 Server workstation,
which is also where the project is placed
(ie c:\Calculator )

have created this entire app today for demonstration purposes.
Now when I generate the changelog I get no changes, even when I update (in the CVS with username verfra)
How can I solve this problem ?
I need to give the presentation by monday, and did not anticipate so much troubles with this function.
My thanx in advance for your kind help,

Frank Verbruggen Solidium Group B.V. Netherlands


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