On 15/04/05, Sebastien Arbogast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a maven newbie and I have a little problem with property
> definitions. In maven documentation, it's said that the property
> maven.src.dir is deprecated and should be replaced by the <sourceDir>
> element of the pom.
> But I used maven.src.dir in project.properties to define other path
> properties that depend on maven.src.dir.
> So my question is : if I only use <sourceDir> element in POM to define
> my source dir, how can I refer to this definition in
> project.properties and other elements of project.xml and maven.xml ?
> I guess there is a way to do so with some jelly syntax but I don't
> know jelly that much...

If I'm not mistaken: ${pom.build.sourceDirectory} should do.

Guillaume Laforge

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