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Craig S.Cottingham wrote:
> On Apr 22, 2005, at 12:19, Mykel Alvis wrote:
>>> If the manner of accessing the repository were abstracted, one might
>>> be able
>>> to write a repository manager that would retrieve dependencies
>>> arbitrarily
>>> from a service rather than from the filesystem. For instance, someone
>>> could
>>> write a manager that, when supplied with a particular dependency, went
>>> and
>>> retrieved that dependency from a blob in a database, and was therefore
>>> referenced by an id rather than a filename.
>>> Not that the two things are different, mind you. You still have to
>>> provide
>>> some indicator for versioning as part of the id. However, based on the
>>> property service that I think we're going to work on internally here
>>> at my
>>> company, I can see a dependency service that works in a similar fashion.
> I don't think there's anything standing in the way of that now. Such a
> repository manager would simply have to speak HTTP.

In maven2, we use RepositoryLayout's and Wagon's to accomplish artifact
and metadata resolution against some ArtifactRepository. There is
nothing (from an API perspective) standing in the way of using any
implementation of any of these:

* RepositoryLayout: Simply returns a formatted access path for a given
artifact. This has some conceptual ties to a filesystem, but those
definitely could be worked with to implement a DB-based repo, for instance.

* Wagon: These are the workers of the resolution world. You could
implement a Wagon to retrieve an artifact from a DB, where the
ArtifactRepository might contain a URL to connect to the db, and the
RepositoryLayout implementation might represent a way of contstructing
either query params or a fully-formed SQL query...then the wagon
executes, and retrieves the artifact to a file on localhost.

Again, in the API this is already possible. HOWEVER ;), there is
currently a partial implementation of Wagon accessibility in Maven2
alpha-1, in that it expects to use HTTP. We haven't made that part
configurable yet, I don't think. But it's coming...

- -john
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