I do not think it is an inconvenience. IBM is dropping all support for WAS 4 in very short order (I believe it is the end of April, which means yesterday). Java itself is supporting 1.5 as the current production JDK. I think Maven has keep moving forward with the times. Unlike many OSS initiatives, I am surprised that Maven has supported "unsupported" configurations as long as it has.


Brett Porter wrote:

I knew Websphere would come up :)

I understand how inconvenient it is - it took enough time with 20
developers. But how do you manage even upgrading Maven for all those
developers? Do they share any development servers or is it local? Will
the situation be the same in 6 months?

What I'm trying to gauge here is level of inconvenience vs flat out
impossible. If it were a brand new installation, would it still be
such a problem?

There are parts of Maven that use NIO, the new Exception paradigm and
things like LinkedHashMap that are what require the new JVM which
would be quite difficult to shift back to 1.3.

Thanks for your feedback.

- Brett

On 5/1/05, Thomas Van de Velde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am using M1 to build for Websphere 4, which runs on JDK 1.3.  Asking the
50+ developers in my project to install another JDK, which is not supported
by the AS, doesn't seem reasonable to me, certainly if it's for a minor
upgrade.  In my opinion, you shouldn't introduce this type of major
modifications in a minor release.  Leave that for M2...  I know there are
many other projects out there that are still using 1.3.  Adding another JDK
is often not that staightforward.  You have to have a very good reason to do


On 5/1/05, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I wanted to make sure users are aware of this - some of the new code
being introduced to Maven 1.1 and 2.0 requires a 1.4 JVM to run. This
does not mean that it can not build for anything else - you can still target 1.1, and can even compile using a completely external JDK IIRC.
This is just a matter of what JVM runs Maven itself.

This still seems to be a problem for some. If anyone is in this
position, can you please shed some light on what the requirement is? That is if you -can not- install a 1.4 JDK to run Maven with. I'm
thinking this can only be because one is not available for a
particular operation system, of which I am not aware of any at this

I don't see the position on this changing as it requires a fair bit of
code change for little benefit, but I would like to know the impact.



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