I fixed those build errors and its till producing the same issue - ie only ever including the results from the last sub project- and i have tried using eclipse to change the modules being built, always the same issue. They defintely all report that they are updating the same DB.

Mark Proctor wrote:

Ignore this, got it working, was a missing goal in a sub project.

Mark Proctor wrote:

I'm trying to do clover multiproject build with maven 1.0.2 and clover
plugin 1.7. This use to work but with the upgrade to 1.7 I noticed it is
now broken, not sure if its 1.7 or a change in our code. Everything
compiles and runs fine, each project reports that it is updating the
same database but only the last compiled and run project has its results
in the report.

You can test this youself by checking out the source for branch 2.0:
cvs -z3 -d
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/projects/drools/scm co
-r branch-2_0 drools

The following is set at toplevel project.properties:


The following is in each sub project maven.xml
<goal name="drools:clover" prereqs="clover:on, jar:jar" />

The following is in toplevel maven.xml
   <goal name="drools:clover">
     <!-- Exclude example projects -->
     <j:set var="temp" value="${maven.multiproject.excludes}" /> <!--
first back up original excludes -->
     <j:set var="maven.multiproject.excludes"


"/> <!-- now exclude examples -->

     <!-- initial directory set in project properties -->
     <j:set var="goal" value="drools:clover" />
     <attainGoal name="multiproject:goal"/>

<!-- override project properties -->
<j:set var="maven.clover.database"

     <attainGoal name="clover:on"/>
     <attainGoal name="clover:report"/>

     <j:set var="maven.multiproject.excludes" value="${temp}" /> <!--
reset excludes -->

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