
I'm still getting this error when running m2-bootstrap-all.bat, but I
can't work out how to fix it, even given the instructions from this
mailing list.

[INFO] Building Maven Assembly Plugin
[INFO] maven-jar-plugin: using locally installed snapshot
[INFO] maven-archiver: using locally installed snapshot
[INFO] modello-maven-plugin: resolved to version
1.0-alpha-2-20050507.162225-6 from local repository
[INFO] modello-plugin-prevayler: resolved to version
1.0-alpha-2-20050502.223155-1 from local repository
[INFO] modello-plugins: resolved to version
1.0-alpha-2-20050502.223155-2 from local repository
[INFO] modello: resolved to version 1.0-alpha-2-20050502.223155-3 from
local repository
[INFO] modello-core: resolved to version 1.0-alpha-2-20050502.223155-2
from local repository
[INFO] modello-plugin-xdoc: resolved to version
1.0-alpha-2-20050502.223155-1 from local repository
[INFO] modello-plugin-jpox: resolved to version
1.0-alpha-2-20050502.223155-4 from local repository
[INFO] plexus-utils: resolved to version 1.0-alpha-3-20050422.224609-4
from local repository
[INFO] modello-plugin-store: resolved to version
1.0-alpha-2-20050502.223155-2 from local repository
[INFO] modello-plugin-xml: resolved to version
1.0-alpha-2-20050506.125731-3 from local repository
Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/jdbc/jdbc/2.0/jdbc-2.0.pom
[WARNING] Unable to get resource from repository
[INFO] Main Error:
  Error transitively resolving artifacts:

Root error:
  Unable to download the artifact from any repository

I have created a directory in my repository, full path is:

C:\Documents and Settings\langfors\.m2\repository\jdbc\jdbc\2.0

I created an empty jdbc-2.0.jar and a jdbc-2.0.jar.pom which contains:


I have a jdbc-2.0.jar.md5 which contains
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e which is the md5sum result.

my settings.xml:

        <localRepository>c:/Documents and

what have I missed?



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