Hi all,


I wrote up a customized script to do a deployment in Geronimo server.


This is how my jelly looks like

<goal name="geronimo:deploy" description="Deploys an application">

    <attainGoal name="geronimo:log"/>


    <java classname="org.apache.geronimo.deployment.Deployer">

    <classpath refid="maven.dependency.classpath" />

    <arg value="java"/>

      <arg value="-jar "/>

      <arg value="${maven.geronimo.home}/bin/deployer.jar"/>

      <arg value=" --user "/>

      <arg value="${maven.geronimo.user}"/>

      <arg value="--password"/>

      <arg value="${maven.geronimo.user}"/>

      <arg value="deploy"/>

      <arg value="${maven.geronimo.module}"/>




When I run Geronimo:deploy goal it says the following exception,


   [java] [ERROR] java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:



Can any body help me out please?


Thanks in advance,


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