Very Interresting discution.

In fact I'm having same problem. I think they are multiple resources
file nature (like the dependancies) :
1/ Plugin resources (xdocs, checkstyle definition) : here they are
every thing ie ./checkstyle.xml, $HOME/.maven/..., /xdocs (I like the
m2 approach : xdocs under the src dir)
2/ Runtime resources : xdoclet velocity redefinition for example...
3/ Resource to include in the classpath : I use /src/resources/ojb,
/src/resources/spring... to categorise them by nature. I like this way
in M1 but I don't find how to do it in M2 (in fact I don't search)
4/ Resource to include in a specific dir : web resource like generate
struts-config.xml, deployment files, .bat or .sh script to start an
5/ And of course tests resource that can be all the type before.

I really think there is a need of convention here. In my case I use
the /src/main/resources for the 1/ (not allways like for checkstyle),
2/, 3/,4/... I don't like it : the resources nature is too differant
but I am probably to strict with directory layout of a project ;-)

I'd like to have the other feelling about this...


On 5/21/05, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do remember seeing it and forgetting to answer :)
> Personally, I would opt for "src/main/xdoclet" in this case (ie,
> src/main/plugin-name).
> Anyone else have any thoughts? I think this would be a good thing to
> include in the standards.
> - Brett
> On 5/21/05, Charles Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I thought I posted this question to the list a couple of days ago, but
> > I haven't seen it appear anywhere, so I am resending. Please forgive
> > me if this is a duplicate posting.
> >
> > I'm following the latest conventions for project layout and I am
> > wondering if there is a convention for separating resources based on
> > whether or not they are to be distributed/deployed.
> >
> > For example, if I understand the convention correctly, files such as
> > properties files that are to be included in a jar file should reside
> > under src/main/resources (perhaps with the appropriate package
> > directory structure).
> >
> > However, what about other "resources" that are NOT to be included in
> > the distribution. Are such "resources" also supposed to be placed
> > under src/main/resources?
> >
> > For example, I am using the xdoclet plugin to generate my web.xml
> > file. The plugin allows me to specify files to be merged into the
> > resulting web.xml file. One example is servlets.xml, where I can
> > specify third-party servlets to list in web.xml in addition to the
> > servlets from my own code base. Obviously servlets.xml is used by the
> > xdoclet plugin only for generating web.xml and servlets.xml will never
> > be distributed. Therefore, would I still put servlets.xml somewhere
> > under src/main/resources (perhaps under src/main/resources/xdoclet),
> > or is there a better place for such resources?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Chuck
> >
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