Here is a good tutorial - copied from the "cruise-control.user" newsgroup:

I've managed to get SVN and Maven and CC working together. For those interested. My config.xml file is given below. Every 30 secs CC checks for updates to the repo and if it finds any it updates the checked out copy and rebuilds the project.

  <project name="stindex" buildafterfailed="true">
<!-- Bootstrappers are run every time the build runs, *before* the modification checks -->
      <SVNBootstrapper localWorkingCopy="checkout/test"/>
      <currentbuildstatusbootstrapper file="logs/stindex/buildstatus.txt"/>

<!-- Defines where cruise looks for changes, to decide whether to run the build -->
    <modificationset quietperiod="30">
        <svn localworkingcopy="checkout/test" />

<!-- Configures the actual build loop, how often and which build file/target -->
    <schedule interval="30">
      <maven mavenScript="C:/Maven-1.0-rc2/bin/maven.bat"
             projectFile="checkout/test/project.xml" goal="clean site"/>

    <!-- directory to write build logs to -->
    <log dir="logs/test"/>
    <!-- Publishers are run *after* a build completes -->
      <currentbuildstatuspublisher file="logs/test/buildstatus.txt"/>
    <plugin name="svn"
        classname="net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.sourcecontrols.SVN" />
    <plugin name="SVNBootstrapper"



The "svn" and "SVNBootstrapper" plugin declarations are no longer required, since those plugins are registered by default. There are several obsolete elements - see the CruiseControl Configuration Reference for details.


Sebastien Arbogast wrote:
BTW is there a good step-by-step tutorial somewhere to integrate
Maven, Subversion and Cruisecontrol ?
Because I already have an important codebase maintained by Subversion
and built with Maven and I'd like to male the link between Maven and
Subversion and if possible setup a continuous integration server to
manage all of that.
Is there such a resource somewhere or is anyone volunteer to make it :-P ?

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