> I tried your example... here's my pom.xml entry:

This generates an -client.jar alongside the main EJB (but a bug in
alpha-2 caused it not to work).

But it appears you want something else...

> Of course, nothing different happens when I generate the jar, so I'm
> guessing that this functionality isn't implemented yet.  I'm not entirely
> sure this will suit my needs anyway... our team uses course-grained EJBs and
> I need the server-side EJB jar to include some libraries in it (and add the
> necessary "Classpath" entries in the Manifest.mf).

I haven't heard of it being used this way before - are you sure you do
not want to use the EAR plugin to bundle the ejb's together?

> This completely baffles me that no one has had a need to include a jar
> inside of a jar.  I know of the "uberjar" in Maven 1.0, but that's not
> really what I need either (don't need the bootstrap-code/runnable-jar
> features).  The best technique I've come up with is to painstakingly use the
> required jars as <resources> in the pom.xml... which is an embarrassing hack
> to which I'm trying to find a better technique.

You can actually use the assembly plugin to do this now (though no
classpath line). It is uncommon for people to do this as class-path
generally doesn't work with jars in a jar. IT can also repack several
JARs into one.

If you let us know which of these options suit best, I can point you
in the direction of how to implement it.


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