On Tue, Jun 28, 2005 at 01:19:09PM +0100, Adam Hardy wrote:
> Edwin Punzalan on 28/06/05 10:57, wrote:
> >I will be quoting the maven site: 
> >http://maven.apache.org/reference/properties.html
> >
> >The properties files in Maven are processed in the following order:
> >
> >  1. Built-in properties are processed
> >  2. |${basedir}/project.properties| (|basedir| is replaced by the
> >     directory where the |project.xml| file in use resides)
> >  3. |${basedir}/build.properties|
> >  4. |${user.home}/build.properties|
> >  5. System properties
> I always wanted to know: what's the purpose of having project.properties 
> AND build.properties? Is it purely for ease of conversion from ant?

build.properties are for user specific overrides and are typically not
stored in your SCM (eg: cvs, svn) while project.properties are.



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