Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
With svn, you need to specify a tagbase, so you can run maven like this:

maven scm:tag -Dmaven.scm.tag=TEST_TAG -Dmaven.scm.svn.tag.base=http://svn.server.com/repos_root/tags

The docs. here (http://maven.apache.org/reference/plugins/scm/properties.html) specify that the default for maven.scm.svn.tag.base is ../tags.

I tried to explicitly set that property (to ../tags) on my project.properties and got this:

[echo] Using connection: scm:svn:http://super.development.local/repos/test/t

[echo] Tagging scm:svn:http://super.development.local/repos/test/trunk/ with
[INFO] Working directory: E:\Documents\bmf1972\CC_WORK\checkout\test
[INFO] Command line: svn --non-interactive copy --file D:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCA
LS~1\Temp\maven-scm-2102119923.commit . ../tags/test-tag-1
Provider message:
The svn tag command failed.
Command output:
svn: Cannot copy path '.' into its own child '..\tags\test-tag-1'

Anyway, it seems that the docs. are wrong - any comments?


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