I just installed Eclipse 3.1 and the Maven IDE from
(http://mevenide.codehaus.org/update/3.0/site.xml).  The Maven IDE appears
to be installed correctly, but it doesn't recognize the project.xml.  It
does recognize the plugin.jelly of the plugins I have written.  I have the
Maven icon on the plugin.jelly file and the list of plugins to execute
appear in the Outline when it is selected.

When I select the project.xml file the editor treats it as a standard text
file.  However, the open with has the Project Object Model editor option.
If I select the POM Editor I get the 9 tabs, but the GUI for each tab
appears to be some what corrupted.

Has anyone else discovered this and hopefully figured out a solution.

If your Eclipse 3.1 and the Maven IDE are working great, I think the Jboss
IDE plugin corrupted my install.  Any hints would be appreciated.

Bud Curtis
JDIMS Project
L-3 Communications
(719) 637-5633

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Bud -

You should post this on the user list on mevenide.codehaus.org. You will get more help there. There are known issues of the POM editor with "poorly-formed" project.xml files (the file is not necessarily wrong, POM editor is just too strict). Also, I would try doing a fresh eclipse install to make sure jboss is not getting in the way.


jeff bonevich

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Arthur C. Clarke

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
Rich Cook

"All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors."

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