Well that was pretty simple. Thanks alot. I feared I would have to check out the Maven nightly source and compile some plug-in. Looks like I only have to do that for xdoclet :)

Pascal Thivent on 02/07/05 19:22, wrote:

1. create a Maven 2.0 project :
m2 archetype:create -DgroupId=com.mycompany.app -DartifactId=my-ejbapp

2. change the <packaging>jar</packaging> to <packaging>ejb</packaging>
in the generated pom.xml

3. add a META-INF\ejb-jar.xml in the src\main\resources directory

Your project should now looks like this :
    |   +---java
    |   |   \---com
    |   |       \---mycompany
    |   |           \---app
    |   \---resources
    |       \---META-INF

4. run m2 install (according to the documentation, m2 ejb:ejb might
not have the same behaviour as with maven 1.x)

5. optionaly, add the following to the <build> section of your pom if
you want to generate a client ejb-jar :


6. write or wait for the ear plugin :)

On 7/1/05, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just trying to find out the steps to set up an EJB project and I can't
find anything in the mailing list or on the website.

There is no maven-archetype-ear or maven-archetype-ejb for the
quickstart plugin with which I can create a new project, so should I
just be creating a plain old jar project?

That produces no resources directory, so should I just be following the
maven 1.0 config, with properties like


and m2 ejb:ejb will be OK?

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