Thanks John.  Great email. I guess the models are just

One of the nice things about the old
approach is that it offered a way to share properties
between an Ant build and a maven build.

Let say I have a set of components built using Maven
and a larger project (consumer of the components) with
a complicated ant process, let's call it Z.  Each
components has a set of dependencies to other.  Let
say we have A, B, C. A depends on B, B depends on C.

And all A, B, C are dependencies for Z.  When I build
Z, i need to specify the dependency for A, B, C.

In the new world, the way to do this I guess is to
invoke the artifact:dependencies task to set the
dependencies from a maven pom in an Ant path
environment property.

This is quite an elegant approach. Just takes some
getting used to.


David Le Strat.

--- John Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> You should never need to do that in maven2. Instead,
> you have an option
> of defining a hierarchy of poms, and within that
> hierarchy defining a
> set of managed dependencies. This is an important
> concept, since it
> allows you to declare properties (notably version)
> of a dependency for
> use in that hierarchy BUT NOT EVERYWHERE. What I
> mean is, you can define
> it once in a parent pom in this way:
> <project>
> ...
> ~  <dependencyManagement>
> ~    <dependencies>
> ~      <dependency>
> ~        <groupId>junit</groupId>
> ~        <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
> ~        <version>3.8.1</version>
> ~        <scope>test</scope>
> ~      </dependency>
> ~    </dependencies>
> ~  </dependencyManagement>
> ...
> </project>
> in the parent pom, and then refer to this in one or
> more of the child
> poms like so:
> <project>
> ...
> ~  <dependencies>
> ~    <dependency>
> ~      <groupId>junit</groupId>
> ~      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
> ~    </dependency>
> ~  </dependencies>
> ...
> </project>
> In this child pom, the scope and version will be
> inferred from the
> managed dependencies section of it's ancestry.
> However, if you define
> another child pom like such:
> <project>
> ...
> ~  <dependencies>
> ~    <dependency>
> ~      <groupId>something-else</groupId>
> ~      <artifactId>something-else</artifactId>
> ~      <version>1.0</version>
> ~    </dependency>
> ~    <!-- NOTE: no reference to junit here -->
> ~  </dependencies>
> ...
> </project>
> then THIS child will NOT have any dependency on
> junit; it will not be
> included in any of the compile, test, or other
> classpaths during the
> build, and it will not be bundled with that second
> child in any way.
> Therefore, the managed dependencies allow you to
> provide standardization
> of the usage for certain dependencies used in your
> project hierarchy,
> without requiring that they be used in all
> subprojects.
> For maven2, the pom is completely self-contained for
> portability. In
> rare cases, you may also provide build profiles to
> specify certain
> plugin configurations for different targeted builds,
> like for a
> development environment vs. a testing environment.
> However, in general,
> we're discouraging the old non-portable companion
> file approach that we
> used in maven 1.x.
> Hope that helps,
> john
> David Le Strat wrote:
> | All,
> |
> | Does any one know the equivalent of
> | in M2?  How can I do something like
> |
> | pom.xml:
> |
> | ....
> | <dependency>
> |     ...
> |     <version>${my.dep.version}</version>
> |     ...
> | </dependency>
> |
> | Regards,
> |
> | David Le Strat.
> |
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