Hi Sean,

thanks for you help. Though I don't get the expected output since I don't quite understand phase 2.
Running sdocbook generates plain html-pages of the project's documentation.
What exactly do I have to do next, to integrate this plain html into the maven based generated site?

Best Regards,

Sean Hennessy schrieb:


<sect><title>Work in progress: Maven [M1] Docbook project artifacts
<para>Phase one transformation of Docbook XML based project
documentation is accomplished with maven sdocbook plugin and Win command
line used here.
Phase two TBD will integrate these project documentation and design
artifacts into the xdoc based maven artifacts on the generated site.
::%MAVEN_HOME%\bin\maven sdocbook:info
2\catalogManager.properties -Dmaven.sdocbook.src.dir=./dbkdir
%MAVEN_HOME%\bin\maven sdocbook  -Dmaven.sdocbook.src.dir=./dbkdir

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Katharina Hahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 8:04 AM
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: problems generating documentation pages with docbook and site

Hi all,

I have a problem whose solutions seems to be quiet easy but still I cannot figure out how to solve it. Maybe someone can help me:

I would like to use docbook-files for project documentation and integrate those docbook-files into the projects html-page generated by the goal 'site'.

My approach on attaining this goal until now was to use the
docbook-plugin: Using the docbook-plugin to generate xdoc-files out of
docbook-files, the output directory of the xdoc-files is ${basedir}/target/generated-xdocs. Copying and pasting the generated xdoc-file (e.g. index.xml) to the ${basedir}/xdocs now enables to use the goal 'site' to integrate the this documentation into the generated project-webpage. I tried to get rid of the step of copying the files manually by using the property maven.gen.docs=${basedir}/xdocs to direct the generated xdoc-files to the specified folder. Using this, the transformation of docbook into xdocs into the specified folder worked fine. But then running the goal 'site' overwrites the generated xdoc-file in folder /xdocs and generates the documentation out of the properties.xml.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem (or maybe even knows a smarter way how to use docbook files for the maven goal 'site')?

Thanks in advance,

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