If there are a lot of resources in a JAR, say images, and one text
file that requires filtering, then filtering is still enabled with a
global switch on the maven-reources-plugin, right?

This seems to be causing a significant slow down in file copying. 
Perhaps all files are being put through the filtering process, even
non-text files?

Although my specific use case relates to binary vs. text files, I
think this is a more general issue of filtered vs. non-filtered

Is there a way to restrict which resource files are filtered?

The general directory layout for m2 seems to prefer to separate at
top-level directories (eg. java vs. resources, rather than resource
patterns inside java).

Therefore, would it be appropriate to have separate java/, resources/
and filtered-resources/ directories, where filtering would only be
enabled for files inside filtered resources?

Then the rule would be:
  1. if it is Java source, put it in java/
  2. if it is a static resource, put it in resources/
  3. if it is a filtered resource, put it in filtered-resources/

Kind Regards,
John Fallows.

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