(Using Maven 1.0.2)



I need to define where the license is using:


however, I want this to work across many peoples machines (windows + linux), and therefore having this file path is "bad". I thought about using an environment variable (ie. maven.clover.license.path=${CLOVER_FOLDER}/licenses/clover.license), however, been told that property files can't access environment variables. Then thought about using an intranet, and let the license be got at from something like maven.clover.license.path=http://companyintranet:8888/clover (snip) etc. etc., however, it didn't like this either.

Any ideas?


I need to exclude certain files from being included in the coverage calculation when using the clover plugin 1.3_01. The maven.clover.excludes property didn't come in until clover 1.7. Any ideas on the best way, while still using the same plugin?

I'm thinking about moving files I don't what to be included in the coverage into another folder, and then moving back after the coverage calculation, however, this seems a hack.

Many thanks,


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