I'm trying to set maven.repo.list in a plugin but it does not seem to
work.  We are using ear:deploy to copy ear files not only to the maven
repository, but to pseudo-repositories on our test and production
application servers to help ensure that all versions on all servers are
identical.  We use a convention that a production deploy version number
ends in a -prod.  I'm trying to write my plugin so that maven.repo.list
is set to the maven repository and the two test servers if not a
production, and to the maven repository, two test servers, and the three
production servers if it IS a production version.

Code follows:

  <!-- ================================================================
  <!-- ===== ear goals                                            =====
  <!-- ================================================================

  <preGoal name="ear:deploy">
    <j:set var="repolist" value="REPOSITORY,TEST03,TEST04"/>
    <j:if test="${pom.currentVersion.endsWith('prod')}">
      <j:set var="repolist"
    <maven:set plugin="maven-artifact-plugin"
    <echo>maven.repo.list should be set to ${repolist}</echo>
    <maven:get var="setrepo"
    <echo>maven.repo.list was set to ${setrepo}</echo>

When I run ear:deploy, I get the following (without  having
maven.repo.list set anywhere):

    [echo] maven.repo.list should be set to REPOSITORY,TEST03,TEST04
    [echo] maven.repo.list was set to REPOSITORY,TEST03,TEST04
    [echo] maven.repo.list is not set - using legacy deploy mode
    [echo] DEPRECATED: use of deploy:artifact tag and the legacy deploy
method are deprecated

The first two echo lines are coming from my pre-goal and it appears that
the value is being set properly but the artifact plugin is not
respecting the value set using maven:set tag.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

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