Hi Sid,

you would require a plugin that maven can execute during the generate-sources step of the lifecycle.

You would configure your plugin into your pom a bit like this for xdoclet:

           <ejbdoclet>ejbdoclet stuff</ejbdoclet>

Check out the docs on the maven website about writing plugins, which is where you would do your code generation.


Sidart Kurias on 03/08/05 10:06, wrote:

How does the generate-sources goal work. Are there
elements in the pom that can affect what is generated?
For example I am trying to  generate java code from
idl files, does this mean I can use the
generate-sources goal and somehow specify in my pom
which idl compiler to use and what files to use. If so
which elements actually control this behaviour. Or
does this require a plugin to be written.

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