If I can, I will, but I have to say I always admire you committers for finding the time to do this stuff, shaming my good intentions!

I found and bookmarked the Plugin Matrix.


Brett Porter on 09/08/05 10:20, wrote:
I developed it, and many of the configuration options are not yet
implemented. You're welcome to submit a patch! :)

If you'd like to check the Maven Plugin Matrix (just google that
string with I'm felling lucky) you can see the progress of a)
creation, b) getting up to par with m1 and c) documenting the plugins.

- Brett

On 8/9/05, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK, yes it does get generated for me too. I guess I shouldn't believe
every error I read :)

I read the config docs for the maven-1 plugin, which gives extensive
config options, which is why I was asking for an example for M2 showing
how to configure it in the POM. I presume there must be an example
somewhere from the person who developed it, but I couldn't find it.


Brett Porter on 09/08/05 00:07, wrote:

Does the rpeort get generated correctly? I know we have some tidying
up to do in the velocity portion of the site generation.

- Brett

On 8/9/05, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anybody else know what I can do to get rid of these PMD errors?

I am working with the nightly build of M2 from a few days ago and I'm
getting a bunch of errors like this:

[INFO] Generate "PMD Report" report.
[ERROR] VM #displayTree: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 2 got 0
[ERROR] VM #menuItem: error : too few arguments to macro. Wanted 1 got 0
[ERROR] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified.
org/apache/maven/doxia/maven-site.vm [line 1, column 1]
[INFO] Generate "Dependencies" report.
[ERROR] RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified.
org/apache/maven/doxia/maven-site.vm [line 1, column 1]

It goes on for several more errors. My guess is that it's a config
problem on my part, but I can't find any examples of setting up this
plugin in the POM, so any example would be very welcome.

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