What is the recommended strategy for bootstrapping M2 configuration to
use an internal corporate "central" server, from behind a firewall?

For example, is there a location under M2_HOME where a settings.xml
could be stored such that it would be picked up automatically when m2
is executed?

Alternatively, a settings.xml might be placed alongside pom.xml in a
project directory, but this doesn't really solve the problem.

Ideally, one could define this internal "central" repository once in a
top-level parent pom that is referenced by each child project. 
Unfortunately, if the child project is executed directly, then a
repository is needed to find the parent pom, creating a
"chicken-and-egg" problem.

So, having a project-local settings.xml would only work if it was
sprinkled over every project, which defeats a single point of change
unless you somehow make your version control system manage this part
of the problem.

Kind Regards,
John Fallows.

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