On Sat, 13 Aug 2005, Andy Glick wrote:

If you want to access the ClassRealm, just add a private field of type
ClassRealm to the mojo, marking it as a @parameter.

I needed this to construct a classpath string since the classloading
of the app I embedded didn't implement classloading properly.

I would rather not have the need for a classrealm too.

-- Kenney

> Trygve Laugstøl wrote:
> >
> > The reason as to why you can't get access to the classloader of the core
> > is that the Mojos are supposed to be independent of their enviroment and
> > they should be executed independently in separate class loaders. Giving
> > the Mojos access to the root class loader will conflict with these ideas.
> >
> Trygve,
> In the Springframework documentation they talk about 2 different types
> of beans, those that are not container aware and those that are. They
> always make cautionary statements when talking about container aware
> beans, but they didn't write Spring with an apriori knowledge of all
> future Spring use cases, so they made allowances for this "odd" behavior.
> It seems to me that attempting to define and enforce conventions like
> these simply reduces the chance that developers will want to adopt Maven.
> I see in the Maven User's list that the Maven developers are continually
> requesting use cases from the developers who use the framework in ways
> not "intended" or at least "unexpected" by the developers. Well, a
> successful tool/framework takes its users likely use cases into account
> up front, and or expands its list of use cases as they are presented.
> I'm not trying to say that you guys don't do that, but I will suggest
> that you tend to express reluctance.
> You guys aren't referred to as "Mavenites" by the rest of the community
> for no reason. ;-)
> If you think about Ant's success for a minute, I think that you can see
> that it allows a developer to do almost anything, including shoot
> him/her self in both feet. By reducing the "possible" Maven throws up
> steep hills for newbies, like I once was, to climb.
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Kenney Westerhof
GPG public key: http://www.gods.nl/~forge/kenneyw.key

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