On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 05:52:59PM -0500, Chris Berry wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am trying to figure out how to pass on the Classpath to Ant. I know
> how to do this programmatically in Ant (e.g. project.setProperty) .
> What I am trying to work out is how pass on the Classpath from the
> *plugin*. By trial and error, I see that ${project.artifacts} results
> in a HashSet of JARs for the *project* -- not the plugin.
> I have a couple of questions
> 1) Is there a relatively comprehensive list of standard properties
> (e.g. project.artifacts) somewhere?? (i.e. Is there a plugin.artifacts
> ?? -- How would one know that??) I apologize in advance if this is in
> the docs somewhere -- I have looked through them, and don't see
> anything -- but may have overlooked them.

Expressions that use the ${project..} prefix will query the current
MavenProject object. Currently there doesn't seem to be a published
javadoc site for the maven-project project so you'll have to read the
sources for now.

But it's worth noticing that the MavenProject object closely mimics the
Model object which is documented in [1]. i.e: if you have the expression
${project.build.sourceDirectory} you would get the value "foo" from


> 2) How does one know what the Java (or whatever) equivalent of a
> property would be. (e.g. project.artifacts converts to a HashSet --
> How would one know that without resorting to trial-and-error??)

See the first answer, when referencing ${project} you're querying a
MavenProject object.

> 3) Are there shortcuts like plugin.getDependencyPath( "axis:ant" ) in
> maven2. (BTW: I do not want to use Marmalade. I am interested only in
> using either Java and/or Ant)


Artifacts in the map are keyed using: 

import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactUtils;
ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( String groupId, String artifactId )

[1]: http://maven.apache.org/maven2/maven-model/maven.html


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