Maven version: 2.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT  svn revision: 265679


I am attempting to migrate an ear project from ant style to m2 project style.

In the high level project dependencies:

[ear] -depends-> [war]
 |----depends-> [ejb] -depends-> [persistence]
|----depends-> [spring lib], [hibernate lib], etcs

pom.xml of ear
 <name>Baseapp - EAR</name>

pom.xml of war
 <name>Baseapp - WAR</name>

pom.xml of ejb
 <name>Baseapp - ejb</name>

pom.xml of persistence
 <name>Baseapp - persistence</name>


1 How do I execute m2 to embed all the dependent artifacts into the ear and update the MANIFEST.MF of ejb project class path that the libraries are inside .ear file?

2 Is this a bug?

----------------------------- The generated application.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC
   "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN"
Q: 2.1 Why would the dependency all the dependency of persistence is included as "ejb-client" of ejb? None of hibernate, spring, persistence should be included inside application.xml?

2.2 How do I make the <context-root>/war</context-root> to be any other name without modifying the artifactId?

and The ear file contains:

2.3 Shouldn't all dependent libraries of hibernate and spring to be included inside ear? If no, how do I configure ear/ejb task to do so?

2.4 According to end of paragraph. I should be able to configure the classpath inside ejb.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file. For example:

  Manifest-Version: 1.0
  Class-Path: spring-1.2.4.jar hibernate-2.1.8.jar ...
  Created-By: 1.4.2_05-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

3 How do I setup the existing ejb pom.xml in order for maven to generate "Class-Path" for all transitive dependency libraries?

Note: hibernate-2.1.6.pom, hibernate-2.1.7c.pom, hibernate-3.0.1.pom, hibernate-3.0.3.pom, hibernate-3.0.pom, and hibernate-2.1.8.pom is definitely broken:

This is 2.1.4:

and this is 2.1.8:


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