Jörg Schaible schrieb am 02.09.2005 15:06:

What happens if you start plink manually (with the options from the Maven 
proeprties file)?
Get the executed command from Maven by calling it with -X option.

Using -X option shows a lot of [DEBUG] messages, but no commands:

[DEBUG] Could not load class (org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.ejb.DDCreator) for type ddcreator
   [echo] Deploying...
Using userBuildPropertiesFile: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Martin Burger\build.properties Using projectPropertiesFile: E:\Uni\DiplInf\repository\trunk\ddchange-framework-debugging\project.properties Using projectBuildPropertiesFile: E:\Uni\DiplInf\repository\trunk\ddchange-framework-debugging\build.properties
Will deploy to 1 repository(ies): ddchangerepo
Deploying to repository: ddchangerepo
Uploading to deltadebugging/poms/ddchange-framework-debugging-0.1.1-SNAPSHOT.pom:


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