Andy Glick wrote:
The Ant builds of the Spring and the SpringModules projects are fairly easy to convert to M1 or M2 builds using the multiproject layout. They are easy to reconfigure because they each is distributed with a jar per "subproject", so even though their source trees are not shipped configured as Maven subprojects they lend themselves to being rearranged.

So far so good, but in addition each aggregates all of the classes and resources from all of its subprojects into a single jar. That convention is not a Maven standard, and I was wondering if anyone has given any thought to supporting such behavior. Given the prominence of Spring in particular, is this something that the team might want to consider as a configurable extension to the M2 multiproject plugin?


Using maven 1.0.2, I've setup a similar in-house build for the spring rich client project, which I believe is laid out similarly to spring itself. I haven't tried to bundle the separate artifacts (richclient, resources, and sandbox) into a single artifact, but I expect this could be accomplished with either the javaapp or uberjar plugins and a little maven.xml glue.

Alternatively, you could setup a separate POM for the combined artifact with dependencies on each of separate artifacts and use the javaapp or uberjar plugin with that POM. I think you'd still need some maven.xml glue for deployment, etc.

Maybe I'll try it and let you know ;)

Hope that helps

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