Do you know if this plugin is compatible with maven 1.1 ?
Maven 1.1 doesn't include xerces anymore.


On 9/4/05, Gary Baranzini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed torque and maven and I'm running maven against a torque
> generated schema, under Win XP Pro.
> I'm getting the following error.
> -------------------------------------------
> __ __
> | \/ |__ _Apache__ ___
> | |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \ ~ intelligent projects ~
> |_| |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_| v. 1.1-beta-1
> build:start:
> torque:
> torque:init:
> File...... C:\Documents and
> Settings\xxx\.maven\cache\maven-torque-plugin-3.1.1\plugin.jelly
> Element... taskdef
> Line...... 87
> Column.... 67
> taskdef A class needed by class
> org.apache.torque.task.TorqueJDBCTransformTask cannot be found:
> org/apache/xerces/dom/CoreDocumentImpl
> Total time : 5 seconds
> Finished at : Sunday, September 4, 2005 1:42:25 PM PDT
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Am I missing a jar file? I noticed that xercesImpl-2.4.0.jar is located in
> .maven/repository/xerces
> Thanks,
> gary

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