On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 05:23:22PM +0100, Ashley Williams wrote:
> I've mentioned in a previous post that I'm slightly fed up with  
> editing xml files, even with a fancy editor. I though I might knock  
> up a stylesheet that will enable me to write a short hand for example:
> project
>     modelVersion 4.0.0
>     groupId com.acme
>     dependencies
>         dependency
>             groupId servletapi
>         dependency
>             groupId ejbapi
> In other words tabs are important and should map nicely to begin and  
> end tags. With a little magic the one-one map would mean I don't even  
> need to keep a separate file since it's just a view on an existing  
> xml file.

A alternative solution to this is to use the very rich metadata we have
about the Maven model and generate Swing forms and then create a pretty
simple tool to mix this all together. We already generate XML readers and
writers for the model so marshalling and unmarshalling the objects is
already taken care of. With a little more glue the Maven project builder
and validator could be put into the mix aswell.

Note that the MevenIDE guys might have similar thoughs as they already
have a visual editor for the Maven model.

If this is of interest to anyone speak up and we can talk about the


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