At 01:12 PM 9/8/2005, Craig McDaniel wrote:

One approach I've seen is to create *-acceptance projects to contain
the integration tests. For example, da-hibernate-acceptance. I would
end up with no tests in da-hibernate, and only tests in
da-hibernate-acceptance. Is this common? With this setup, I can
exclude the *-acceptance projects from the continuous build, and
include them on the scheduled builds.

In my experience that much segregation and subproject creation is overkill.

At an assignment last fall, we configured an integration test phase using the reactor tag and a 2nd POM as follows:

<goal name="functest" description="Runs the functional tests for the application"
    <maven:reactor basedir="${basedir}" includes="pfunc.xml"
      goals="test" banner="Perform Functional Tests"
      ignoreFailures="false" />

The file pfunc.xml was a project.xml file whose test configuration - directory and resource specifications, and include and exclude lists were specific to the functional tests and had nothing to do with unit testing. This meant that instead of creating additional projects as you proposed, we created additional source and resource trees and 1 additional POM. We didn't use the 2nd POM for anything but the functional test behavior.

In the case that you described, there are any number of ways to run your continuous builds without invoking the goal for functionalTesting, and you could specify the functionalTesting goal in your scheduled builds.

Hope that this helps.

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