I'm currently looking at the task ahead of us, migrating from Maven 1 to Maven
2. Transitive dependency resolving will cure many of our current ill's ....

But: I'm having trouble getting M2 to work with multiple repositories. I wish M2
to first look at ibiblio (http://www.ibiblio.org/maven2) and secondary at my own
repository (http://jarsm2.dyndns.dk).

I attempt to achieve this by defining a profile which is referenced in the
alwaysActive part of the POM.
Only, the repositories I define in the profile seems to be completely ignored.

I can't locate any documentation on remote repositories apart from the ones
listed in the profiles sections.  Have I missed something ?

A small sample of how to address multiple remote repositories would make me a
happy man *S*.

 /Sverre Eplov

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