I am working on a new project for creating Web Services for the
business. These will have EJB behind them, for internal Java to Java
use as well as business logic and data models. This is my problem I
need to have a parent project for the WS, EJB and logic with an outside
project for the models, they can be used by multiple projects. I am
currently working with NetBeans and have the Mevenide installed in it.
This is what I want as my structure

parent project
       |--------WS project
       |--------EJB project
       |--------Logic project

model project

I don't have much of a problem with the model project it is the others I
have a problem with. Netbeans builds a nice enterprise application with
the parent, ws and ejb projects and I can then add a logic project to
it with not much of a problem but that will use ANT and I am into the
lib problem in CVS or some common place on the HD of each developer. I
really want to use Maven but don't know how much work it would involve.

Here are my questions.

1. If Netbeans sets this up for me using ANT is it worth it to mess with
2. Would it be better to use the Maven ANT task for working with
repositories to solve the lib problem?
3. If I should use Maven is there an easy way to convert the ANT
scripts, I would rather not simply call the ANT for it's targets.
4. If I end up wrapping the ANT is there an easy way to do this?

Dru Devore
So many suggestions so little time.

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